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1. Why would I want the researched sectors?

You can of course do your own research and build sector listings for yourself using USP Data. However more than 30 years of our research has gone into the sector database listings and you can leverage this to save yourself time and more quickly arrive at a focused group.  We have found that SIC listings are patchy so the researched listings will quickly identify additional companies to be considered. Importantly also there will be many misclassified companies if you rely on SIC coding alone potentially wasting your marketing budget or unfocusing your analysis.

2. How much data can I download?

This depends on your chosen subscription :

(i) UK Data Access monthly commitment – 1,000 companies

(ii) UK Data Access 12 month commitment – 16,000 companies

(iii) 1 or more USP Database – all companies classified in the subscribed sector

(iv) 1700+ USP Database – unlimited

3. Can I pay monthly and stop whenever I choose?

Yes – there is an option to subscribe for the UK Data Access on a pay as you go basis and you can stop subscribing at any time.

4. Why would I want to be able to import my own lists?

Importing customer lists is an excellent way to use USP Data research to find more customers like your best customers.  You can see the sectors your customers are allocated to and create prospect listings based on the competitors in each of those sectors.  

Importing target listings you have compiled in a google search for example will start a custom listing and you can then use USP Data to automatically identify these firms at Companies House and prepare analysis reports or find others like these companies using the search facilities within USP Data.

5. I have a CRM why would I want to use the built in CRM in USP Data?

The built-in CRM is a simple way to organise your work and keep everything up to date automatically. This is particularly useful if you have multiple projects concurrently being pursued.  USP Data is updated weekly to reflect the latest information on company contacts and financials so keeping things here means everything is kept up to date automatically.  

When you save your lists in the built in CRM you can easily re-cycle those lists into future projects or create new custom reports or nominate contacts and export the latest contact details.  Since everything is in one place it helps keep things organised.

Of course since you can import and export from USP there is no requirement to use the built in CRM in preference to an established system but it is there as an option and it will certainly save organising multiple spreadsheets for those not working with a CRM already.

6. Why do I need to create my own customised analysis reports?

Custom analysis report are a neat way of benchmarking a group of companies that mean something to you such as a relevant subgroup from one of the 1700+ industry sectors provided.  The PDF format is perfect for determination of a focused market size, trend and key competitor analysis.  You will find this format particularly useful for fundraising meetings. 

Your custom reports are kept up to date weekly so whenever you download a copy the latest available data will be included for each company nominated.

7. Which data is included for each company?

Company Details

Company Name, Company Number, Registered Address1, Registered Address2, Registered Address3, Registered Address4, Registered Telephone, Incorporation Date, Auditor, Previous Name, Business Description, Website, Report Title, SIC Code, Director Name, Shareholder Name, Number of Shareholders, Number of UK Group Companies, Main Trading Address1, Main Trading Address2, Main Trading Address3, Main Trading Address4, Main Trading Postcode, Main Trading Region, Main Trading Address Telephone

Report Data

Year End, Consolidated, Number of Months, Number of Employees, Total Tangible Assets, Intangible Assets, Total Fixed Assets, Stock, Debtors, Cash & Liquid Assets, Other Current Assets, Total Current Assets, Trade Creditors, Bank Loans & Overdrafts, Other Current Liabilities, Total Current Liabilities, Working Capital, Net Assets, Group Loans, Other Long Term Loans, Long Term Loans, Other LongTerm Liabilities, Issued Capital, Retained Earnings, Revaluation Reserve, Other Reserves, Shareholder Funds, Capital Employed, Turnover, Cost of Goods Sold, Gross Profit, Administrative Expenses, Operating Profit, Exceptional Items, Non Trading Income, Profit Before Interest & Tax, Interest Paid, Pre-tax Profit, Tax Paid, Profit After Tax, Dividends, Retained Profit, Exports, Director Remuneration, Employee Remuneration, Audit Fee, Depreciation


Director Title, Director First Name, Director Surname, Director Date of Birth, Director Position, Home Address1, Home Address2, Home Address3, Home Address4, Home Postcode

Parent Details

Ultimate Parent Co. Name, Ultimate Parent Co. Number, Parent Co. Name, Parent Co. Number, Subsidiary Details, Subsidiary Co. Name, Subsidiary Co. Number


Property Title Number, Property Tenure, Property Address, Property Price Paid

Persons of Significant Control

PSC Title, PSC First Name, PSC Surname, PSC Nationality, PSC Age, PSC Percentage, PSC Address 1, PSC Address 2, PSC Address 3, PSC Address 4, PSC Postcode, PSC UK Address

8. Which subscription option is best for me?

(A)   UK Data Access


Unlimited access to all the latest UK limited company reports & credit info.

1. Screen all 5.5M UK companies to find the ones of interest by:

Shareholder profile (Age, Percentage ownership)


Number of Employees

Geographic Location


SIC Sector

2. Then export any relevant data on the target companies up to your subscription limit:

Contact Names (Shareholders, Directors)

Contact Addresses (Shareholders Home, Directors Home, Main Trading & Registered Office)

Financial performance figures

Property Ownership

(B)   1 or more USP Databases


Unlimited access to the latest UK limited company reports & credit info.  Access to one or more researched sector as per your subscription choices.  The researched USP sector report will improve the targeting dramatically identifying more of the relevant firms and potentially wasting less of your marketing budget on misclassified firms.  Include your own researched listing in the analysis using the facility to import your pre-existing lists.

1. Screen all companies in the sectors you have subscribed to to find the ones of interest by:

Shareholder profile (Age, Percentage ownership)


Number of Employees

Geographic Location


SIC Sector

Researched Sector

2. Then export the relevant data on the target companies limited only by the number of firms in the sectors in your subscription:

Contact Names (Shareholders, Directors)

Contact Addresses (Shareholders Home, Directors Home, Main Trading & Registered Office)

Financial performance figures

Property Ownership

3. Download the analysis reports for the sectors chosen for your subscription providing rankings and averages and benchmarking sector competitors

4. Create customised analysis reports comparing the companies in the sub-sectors of particular interest based on your screening of the firms in (1) above.

5. Manage contacts and your sub-sector project lists in the built in CRM.  Simply save the listing here and reuse the analysis or add notes and contact events as potential customers or acquisitions move through your sales funnel.

(C)   All 1700_ USP Databases


Unlimited access to the latest UK limited company reports & credit info.  Access to all 1700 sector reports.  The researched USP sector reports will improve the targeting dramatically identifying more of the relevant firms and potentially wasting less of your marketing budget on misclassified firms.  Include your own researched listing in the analysis using the facility to import your pre-existing lists.

1. Screen all companies in any sector to find the ones of interest by:

Shareholder profile (Age, Percentage ownership)


Number of Employees

Geographic Location


SIC Sector

Researched Sector

2. Then export unlimited relevant data on the target companies:

Contact Names (Shareholders, Directors)

Contact Addresses (Shareholders Home, Directors Home, Main Trading & Registered Office)

Financial performance figures

Property Ownership

3. Download the analysis reports for any UK sector providing rankings and averages and benchmarking sector competitors